Welcome to Copperbane!

This isn't your usual tale. This is the story of a world called 'Rim-err' and humanity's second chance. Beginning with the story of the first explorers, the series will progress throughout the centuries, telling the stories of major events - and the people who are part of them. Along the way, humans will have to learn to take care of their world, or suffer annihilation - if they don't kill themselves first! Beyond the simple story of the humans are the tales of its native species, with their interactions with the humans - not all of which are friendly. As one country, Escavia, succeeds in its mandate of protecting the future, its enemy fascist Chartan only wants to remake a glorious but destructive Gaian past. But these events are comparitively small, compared to the real problems Rimer faces....

Monday, February 22, 2010

Chapter 13 Cut Scene - Sighting the Enemy

Author's Note: This scene has existed in the manuscript since the original version of this draft. Usually when I cut scenes almost right after they have been written because they just aren't what I was going for. This time, it was to fix the continuum of Ashes of Hope which had been changed slightly due to editing and minor fixes in the plot. Originally, this scene, which occurs after a major event, introduced the drakoon species as a whole and I was actually so fond of this scene at one point that I even had plans to animate it. I only ever animated part of it, but the scene remains iconically drakoon and has inspired much that I have designed for this very inhuman species. Unfortunately, with the new version the scene just doesn't work anymore, especially with its poor writing style, so here's the cut - I call this scene 'sighting the enemy.' This scene did not receive any final editing. Enjoy.

A sentry sat on a grassy hilltop, gripping his cloak with one gloved hand. The scent that the sweet trees of the surrounding rainforest and wild flowers of the meadow made were strong on the damp, humid air. A warm wind wafted the scents of the trees and land towards him, filling his senses with heady knowledge. The sentry sighed appreciatively; by smell alone he could tell that all was well in the woods around him, a thought that put him at ease. A black and white fugara leapt from a tree nearby after its mate, its bushy tail in the air. Night birds sang softly, taking no notice of the calm watchful soldier on the hill top for they knew that so long as he stayed there, he meant them no harm. A small lizard scrambled down a tree trunk and was snapped up by a snipe which ambushed it.

The sentry was one with the world around him - almost. His armour and yellow eyes shone in the reflected light from his smoking fire, lighting up his strange features. Like all of his kind, his hair stuck straight up and was dark ending with light blond tips almost like animal’s fur. As with all males such as he it stayed short and spiky, virtually maintenance free. The sentry was lanky and slender, though his armour made him appear stockier when standing. He had a well angled face and a strong jaw, his nose perfectly straight as if carved by an artist who had worked precisely with a rular. There was something very refined about his shadowed features, as if he was an elf, like in stories of old.

The young soldier looked much smaller than he actually was as he crouched by his signal fire. All he had to do was kick up the embers and the outpost fortress would be alerted. He watched his low fire that he could not feel, fervently wishing that he was anywhere but here. This area was prone to attacks by Taverian strike squadrons and he did not like that it was only him for an entire day of foot travel. His squadron, in the far off Fort Lookout, were so far separated from him that he could not even smell them, a thought which was painful. The sentry missed them keenly, especially his commanding officer who made them work very hard for his regard. By taking the lonely sentry post the sentry knew he would gain favour with the older soldier, perhaps letting him rise in the ranks of the squadron. Luckily the sentry was not on foot or alone really, not completely anyway. His dapple grey mare was grazing peacefully just behind him, delicate nose to the ground, her tail a-swish. She would keep him company until he could be reunited with his unit.

He complained softly to himself, fully aware that his horse and Diager’s cat were listening. The false star that was the nearest other semblance of his kind sparked above him. Diager could even now be listening in. More than likely however, the cat would be listening to more important things than the huffing of a catless border guard.

Behind him Mayra shifted and sniffed the midnight breeze, large nostrils flaring. The horse suddenly pinned her ears in sensing something she did not like and trotted to her rider’s side. She whuffed sweet breath in his ear to get his attention. He listened to her worried tale and then stood slowly, so as not to startle her. Mayra nickered quietly as she pointed out the position with her velveteen nose. A cold thrill trickled up his spine as he found it. His pupils dilated to draconic slits that looked odd in his humanoid face as his irises expanded to plates of gold.

See it? she asked.

Yes. he responded hungrily, a soft growl issuing involuntarily from his throat.

Let’s go then. Mayra said.

Let’s. he agreed, touching his sword hilt.

He bundled up his cloak, tied it to her ornate yet simple saddle and mounted. Mayra jigged beneath him as he settled his very light frame onto her big strong back. She wore no bridle, no bit, no reins. Such things were unneeded. Her front end rose as she wheeled on her hind legs in a half rear. Then she was running, her stride so smooth that he felt as if he were riding on air rather than her. And he would know. The sky had never been out of his reach. Into the dark hollow of the woods they went, heading quickly for the outpost and then the capitol of Sloveniska, nicknamed Ship Killer Bay for good reason.

He looked back once to see a false shooting star. Yes, Diager, I’m abandoning my post. Tell Tanmeer that I’m getting a promotion!

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